What's The Kindness Project? 

The Kindness Project is an initiative that desires to change cities BY good INTO good through strategically­ coordinated, intentional KINDNESS. The Kindness Project explores the untapped level of synergy and inter-connectedness between business, government, social agencies, the church, education and the people of a community. The Kindness Project facilitates transformation on both a neighbourhood and city­wide scale, resulting in ordinary people recreating the culture through a lifestyle of kindness. The Kindness Project will facilitate change on a city-wide scale, towards ordinary people taking care of each other through coordinated kindness.

Who is Captain Kindness? 

Captain Kindness was created to be a visual reminder that we ALL have the Superpower of Kindness inside us.  Captain Kindness leads school assemblies, hosts community events, as well as inspiring cities and nations to be INTENTIONAL with our generosity.

Why the balloon? 

We chose a balloon for the The Kindness Project’s new logo because what a balloon does; is what The Kindness Project is really about.  When you put a balloon in a room, you change the atmosphere, climate and culture of a room.  It’s instantly a happier place to be.  The Kindness Project is not just meeting needs… although it does do that in practical ways.  It’s about each of us going that extra distance to meet needs, with a balloon attached (so to speak) and changing the city BY good INTO good as Captain Kindness says